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Daily Scriptures Guide

Here is a Day by Day guide to learning and applying God's Word

Here is a Day by Day guide to learning and applying: 

Read: the daily Scriptures and Answer the Question from the sermon. 

Create: Create your own questions/comments from the scriptures

Discuss: Talk about your questions and reactions to the scriptures. 


Scripture: Psalm 27

Title: One Thing


BIG IDEA: “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”.

Memory Verse: Psalm 23:1-3a

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

 He makes me lie down in green pastures,

He leads me beside quiet waters,

 He refreshes my soul.


A Disciple...Loves All People, Discovers Identity in Jesus, Deepens Relationship with Jesus.

What have I done this week to feed my soul, feed others, and feed my flesh?

What stood out to you in the sermon this week?

What did God reveal to you in the Scriptures this week, maybe for the first time?

Scripture Study Tip 

What does it say, What does it mean, and How do I apply it to my daily life.

READ Psalm 27

  • What does verse 1 make you think, feel and/or want to do differently? 

  • While King Saul was seeking to kill David, David was seeking the Lord (Psalm 27). In your darkest times, what do you seek for comfort and what is the one thing that you ask from the Lord? 

  • What does David remind himself of to overcome fear in this psalm and how can we use those same things to overcome fear in our own lives? 

  • What does it mean for God to be our shelter, our tent, and our rock, and why does that matter? 


Let’s go deeper into God’s word and discuss how we can apply these truths to our lives!

  • Did God bring you to Himself through a blessing or a breaking? What does that tell us about our God?

  • What is the most extreme thing God has asked you to do? Did you do it, and what happened?


A Disciple…Loves All People, Discovers Identity in Jesus, Deepens Relationship with Jesus.

Remember: Perfect love casts out fear! Because our salvation and victory are found in God, we don’t have to be afraid of anything that would come against us. We can replace fear with faith and worship God with confidence.

This Week: Experience confidence in the ONE true God by imprinting His Word in our hearts and minds.

• “I will” find at least two Bible verses that tell me to “fear not” or “have no fear.”

• “I will” begin to memorize those verses.


Scripture: Psalm 42:1-11

Title: As The Deer


BIG IDEA: In the dark night of the soul, our only hope is to look to the Light of the World.

Memory Verse: Psalm 23:1-3a

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

 He makes me lie down in green pastures,

He leads me beside quiet waters,

 He refreshes my soul.


A Disciple...Loves All People, Discovers Identity in Jesus, Deepens Relationship with Jesus.

What have I done this week to feed my soul, feed others, and feed my flesh?

What stood out to you in the sermon this week?

What did God reveal to you in the Scriptures this week, maybe for the first time?

Scripture Study Tip 

What does it say, What does it mean, and How do I apply it to my daily life.

READ Psalm 42:1-11

In verse 4 David remembers back to a “better” time. 

Where is your relationship with Jesus right now, and how has it changed since you first believed? 

When a deer pants for fresh water it’s because its in desperation. When your soul is downcast, how do you respond with your whole being (heart, soul, mind, & strength)?

Pastor Nate shared that when people are in pain, they often are tempted to respond with isolation.

How does God use community to carry His people through times of trouble and


READ Psalm 23

Head: What does this psalm make you think?

Heart: What does this psalm make you feel?

Hands: What does this psalm make you want to do?


A Disciple…Loves All People, Discovers Identity in Jesus, Deepens Relationship with Jesus.

Big Idea: In the dark night of the soul, our only hope is to look to the Light of the World.

This Week: 

Reread Psalm 42 through the lens of Jesus Christ, meditating specifically on verses 5-6 and commit to the following:

• “I will” write out the lies I tell myself and the whispers Satan tells me.

  • “I will” write out the truths of God’s word next to each lie and whisper.

Constant Reminder

Six questions for gospel-centered discernment. Memorize and ask these six questions to discern and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life.

G - God's glory: Will this decision primarily be about my glory or God's glory?

O - Other Christians: What do other gospel-saturated, Christ-centered, wise friends say about this upcoming decision?

S - Scripture: Does the Bible command, permit, or prohibit this decision? What does inerrant, infallible Scripture say?

P - Prayer: Have you abided with, rested in, asked from, listened to and waited on God in this decision over time?

E - Evangelism: Will this decision give me the opportunity to share the gospel and invite people to faith in Jesus?

L - Lifestyle: Will this decision lead me to live a lifestyle of love marked by the Fruit of the Spirit and holiness?