Sunday Service 10:45am and if unable to attend click here for FB Live! 1641 Old Furnace Rd

Daily Scriptures Guide

Here is a Day by Day guide to learning and applying God's Word

Here is a Day by Day guide to learning and applying: 

Read: the daily Scriptures and Answer the Question from the sermon. 

Create: Create your own questions/comments from the scriptures

Discuss: Talk about your questions and reactions to the scriptures. 


TEXT: Matthew 5:14-16

Memory Verse: Matthew 5:14


Faith in Christ, produces Faithfulness to Christ, which leads to you shining His light in the darkness.


  • Let your light shine! 


A Disciple...Loves All People, Discovers Identity in Jesus, Deepens Relationship with Jesus.

***This week is much shorter than usual so I recommend spending more time than usual on these questions:***

What have I done this week to feed my soul, feed others, and feed my flesh?

What stood out to you in the sermon this week?

What did God reveal to you in the Scriptures this week, maybe for the first time?

Scripture Study Tip 

What does it say, What does it mean, and How do I apply it to my daily life.

Read Matthew 5:14-16

In Christ we are to shine God’s light in the darkness, what areas do you find yourself struggling to “shine” the most?

The problem from Sunday’s sermon states that This world is one big bowl trying to cover the lamp. What are some examples of how the world weighs on us?

Discuss specific ways you will “let your light shine!” 

Discuss specific challenges to “letting your light shine.”


TEXT: James 1:19-21

Memory Verse: James 1:19

BIG IDEA: What’s on the inside leads to fruit on the outside


  • Practice the 7 tips when feeling angry


Self Deposit Box 

Assume the best 

Listen and hear 

I statements

Take a timeout

Ask for help

  • Mid Term Report Card - Grade the memory verse
  • First for yourself

What grade do you get for being “Quick to listen”

What grade do you get for being “Slow to speak”

What grade do you get for being “Slow to become angry”

  • Then ask your family to give you a grade for each


A Disciple...Loves All People, Discovers Identity in Jesus, Deepens Relationship with Jesus.

What have I done this week to feed my soul, feed others, and feed my flesh?

What stood out to you in the sermon this week?

What did God reveal to you in the Scriptures this week, maybe for the first time?

Scripture Study Tip 

What does it say, What does it mean, and How do I apply it to my daily life.

Read James 1:19-21


Why do you get angry?

When you do get angry and what’s squeezed out isn’t good juice, what comes out instead?

What’s the opposite of anger for you?

What’s the opposite of anger for your family?

Of the 7 tips for producing better fruit when we are angry, which ones stick out to you and why?