Why LifeGroups?
LifeGroups are a great place to live out and learn
the 5 key characteristics of being a disciple.
Jesus Himself modeled the importance of discipleship, community,
and accountability; all key aspects of each LifeGroup.
Discover how godly friends become a spiritual family by joining a group today
that best fits your season of life and schedule.
2024 LifeGroup Schedule:
-Jan 10th -Mar 9th 9 week series
-March 13th-March 30th 3 week break
-April 3rd - June 1st 9 week series
-June 26 - Aug. 17th 9 week series (no groups week of July 4th and week of VBS)
-Aug 21st - Sep. 7th 3 week break
-Sep 11th - Nov. 9th 9 week series
-Nov 13th - Nov 30th 3 week break
-Dec 4th - Dec 14th series and Christmas Party
-Dec 21st - Jan 4th Break

Sunday Morning Life Group
Designed for: Adult of all ages
Childcare: No
Day/Time: Sunday's 9:30 - 10:15am
LifeSpring Church
1641 Old Furnace Rd
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Leader: Various Leaders
Life is hard, especially life without Biblical community. Each week we will break down the previous sermon using the daily guide while diving in to God's Word and discover ways to apply it to every day life, together.
If you are interested in learning more about or being a part of this LifeGroup, please fill out the form below and the group leader (s) will be in touch soon!
Nate's LifeGroup
Designed for: Adult of all ages
Childcare: Yes
Day/Time: Thursday's From 6:30-7:30pm
LifeSpring Church
1641 Old Furnace Rd
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Leader: Nate Didway
Life is hard, especially life without Biblical community. Each week we will break down the previous sermon using the daily guide while diving in to God's Word and discover ways to apply it to every day life, together.
If you are interested in learning more about or being a part of this LifeGroup, please fill out the form below and the group leader (s) will be in touch soon!
Designed for: All Ages
Childcare: Yes (@LifeSpring)
Day/Time: Wednesday's @6:30pm
Location: LifeSpring Church
Leader: Various Leaders
Life is hard, especially life without Biblical community. Each week we will break down the previous sermon diving in to God's Word and discover ways to apply it to every day life, together.
If you are interested in learning more about or being a part of this LifeGroup, please fill out the form below and the group leader (s) will be in touch soon!