LifeSpring strives to help inside the church and outside the church. We desire to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission in and through the power of the Holy Spirit, helping and walking along side others as their faith is built and equipping others to then go out into their own lives and do the same.
The discipleship ministries of LifeSpring exists to help and equip the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship in many creative ways.
We are passionate about playing our part and about helping others play theirs. We seek to be a caring community on mission together.
Our goal is to give everyone an opportunity to know someone who truly follows Jesus and to be mentored along side them.
Here are a few ways to get started:

Picture of a Disciple Course (POD)
Our purpose as a church is to reach families for Christ, who then reach more families for Christ! If we are to accomplish this, we must be a disciple making church. To begin this process, it is imperative to establish a clear picture of a disciple. You can begin to see this picture by signing up below for our Picture Of a Disciple course. Breakfast and childcare are provided each week.
Click the link below to register!

We take Hebrews 10:25 to heart!
We believe a HUGE part of the believers life should be in community with other belivers.
A great place to do do this is LifeGroups.
Click the link below to discover more about the LifeGroups at LifeSpring!

Discipleship - Building meaningful Relationships.
6 Week Discipleship Series
Through this 6 week discipleship series you will learn what living out being a disciple looks like. Through this 6 week series you will be paired with someone to disciple you, it will be very intentional and relational. You will be challenged every week. You will see that after surrendering your life and being baptized your life should begin to look different. We will study setting a new priority, finding a new identity, living a new mercy, 10 commandments, and sharing the Gospel. The series is just for new believers, it is also for believers who have never been discipled. C.s. Lewis says all who are called to salvation are called to discipleship!
At LifeSpring we believe that.
Enter your information below and someone will connect with you to get you started!